Baseball Hat for Microsoft Taiwan

Baseball Hat for Microsoft Taiwan

  • Customer︰Microsoft Taiwan
  • Material︰100% Cotton
  • Specification︰Embroidered logo, brass button
  • Pack︰
  • Purpose︰Bundle Gift
  • Date︰2009-03-02
  • Explain︰SBK has designed for the XBOX Department of Microsoft Taiwan a baseball hat to be bundled with their game software. Since this giveaway has to match the launch date of the game, SBK only had less than three weeks to deliver the product. SBK quickly finished the design and had their manufacturing partner in Taiwan to produce the hats. The sandwich-type brim with joined-fabrics gives the baseball hat a sense of versatility. Brass buttons were used for the back of the hat to improve the overall quality; and the hat is in 100% cotton to avoid stuffiness and increase the level of comfort.